Make a Difference

Each and every gift is critical to providing educational opportunities for our children. We are grateful for your interest and welcome the opportunity to share with you the many ways you can be involved.

There are several ways for you to make a contribution:

General Donations

We accept donations throughout the year to provide consistent support for our grants. You make a single donation or pledge ongoing contributions.

Donation Levels

Legacy              $25,000+

Visionary           $10,000 - $24,999

Trustee              $5,000 - $9,999

Patron               $1,000 - $4,000

Benefactor        $500 - $999

Partner              $250 - $499

Contributor        $100 - $249

Friend               $1 - $99


The Foundation is located in Prior Lake and Savage, and its mailing address is P.O. Box 840, Prior Lake, MN 55372. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt public charity under the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions are tax deductible, subject to limitations in applicable law.

No goods or services are provided to any donor in exchange for contributions. Unless otherwise specified, contributions to the Foundation will be used for its general charitable purposes and endowment. This disclosure is made under Minn. Stat. 309.556.


Why support the Laker Educational Foundation?

1. Anyone can apply for a grant to teach or share their skills.

2. We bring people together enriching all ages. We are intergenerational

3. We are vital, strong and sustainable. 10% of all dollars raised goes to an endowment so we are able to give grants for generations to come.

4. We are excellent stewards of our donations.

5. We are a vehicle for partnerships and outreach with the potential to leave a lasting legacy for all learners in our community.

6. Our strength is our diversity, our commitment and our collective talents.

7. We are protecting and inspiring the future of our community.

8. We engage youth, families and retirees as teachers and/or students in co-curricular opportunites.

9. We are inclusive. All schools and faith communities are encouraged to participate; board members vary in age, ethnicity and expertise and have different ties to the community. Grants are made with this in mind.