Since 2005, the L.E.F. has granted more than $330,000 to PLSAS.

The Laker Educational Foundation is excited to announce the opening of our spring grant cycle for 2024. Educators, administrators, and staff from the Prior Lake-Savage Area School District are encouraged to apply for grants to support innovative and impactful projects in the classroom, school, or district-wide.
During this grant cycle, we are particularly interested in proposals that focus on technology integration, mental health and wellness programs, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and creative arts projects. We believe that these areas are critical in shaping a well-rounded and supportive educational environment.
We invite all members of PLSAS to submit their grant applications and share their ideas for enhancing the educational experience of our students. Together, we can continue to make a positive difference in the lives of our students.

The deadline for grant submissions is March 25, 2024. We look forward to reviewing your proposals and supporting your efforts to deliver exceptional education to our students.

Grant Application Forms and Instructions

(General Instructions)   (Grant Application Form)

Questions? Email

Please note: We do not fund ...

  • ​Professional development opportunities

  • Funds for supplies or equipment which are otherwise available through regular Prior Lake Savage Area School channel

  • Projects that would require the Foundation’s ongoing funding (year after year) to be successful

  • Capital purchases ‐ typically defined as purchases of $500 or more with a life of more than three years

For all our past awarded grants, click here

Our Spring 2023 Grant Recipients

Heritage Spanish & Spanish Immersion Literature
$600.00 Awarded

This grant will enable the high school to purchase books to start a literacy circle unit for a course for the incoming Spanish Immersion students and the Heritage Spanish speakers at the high school.

Grow Lab for CID Science
$649.99 Awarded

Students from Gr. 9-12 will benefit from the use of the Grow Lab. The Science program provides direct instruction in the core content area of science for those students struggling to keep up in the general education setting.

MNCAPS Healthcare Pathways
$1,200.00 Awarded

MNCAPS healthcare pathway was put into place in 2016. The equipment available no longer serves the number of students enrolled. This pathway prepares students to enter the healthcare field after they complete CNA training. The grant will help us purchase mannequins that will also serve a dual purpose for our wound care unit.

Speech Therapy Stations
$411.00 Awarded

By implementing a model of therapy stations, students can practice their articulation targets and phonological awareness skills as they rotate through the stations. This model has been used by therapists with much success.

Earth Science Lab Supplies
$470.79 Awarded

PLSAS has a new Earth Science curriculum for 6th grade science. By acquiring these additional supplies, students are provided with resources to complete hands-on labs and experiments.

Literacy Stations
$1,500.00 Awarded

The intent of this grant is to create literacy stations during reading and writing/phonics workshops in the classroom. This will enable reaching all learners in the classroom by providing differentiated skills to ALL learners. Several literacy stations will be piloted for a multitude of classrooms. This project will help set the foundation for youth readers.

3D Printer
$2,099.00 Awarded

Tech ed classes are designed around the engineering design process, which has students think through and problem solve in a variety of situations. 3D printing is a real world way that engineers are solving problems, and the presence of a 3D printer has been a very effective tool in the tech ed curriculum. There are current limitations in only having one 3D printer, as there is limited capacity and time restraints that are a deficit for students' ability to have access to this technology. The printer needs to run overnight and for several consecutive days, often taking longer than the pace of our curriculum. A second 3D printer will allow more students to have access to prototyping and printing needs, thus providing more effective and authentic implementation of the engineering design process.

$807.17 Awarded

This project gives 4th grade students the opportunity to extend their knowledge of energy and electronics beyond the lessons provided by the FOSS Science Energy Curriculum. Having a collection of 12 Spintronics Act One sets provides classroom teachers the chance to give their students a collaborative opportunity to see the flow of current as they discover electronics in a tangible and deeply intuitive way.

Peaceful Places
$600.00 Awarded

We are seeing an increase in mental health, social-emotional, and behavioral needs in our schools, from the youngest learners to upper grade levels. Children are showing a need for access to coping tools that are widely available for them to explore. Simple methods such as deep breathing exercises, positive affirmations/self-talk, and sensory tools are documented to help support regulation and have a calming effect. This project will offer these three tools to all students in elementary, early childhood, and for students in the CID program at the middle school level to explore and utilize. Our Peaceful Places will invite students who are feeling any emotion - from curiosity to frustration - to be present in the moment, build a sense of community and connection, and develop social-emotional skills. Additionally, students will build their “tool-boxes'' of activities that help them in times of need or distress. They can utilize these strategies at home and within the community.